Я делаю что могу, а могу все благодаря науке вооружившей меня. Здесь можно врываться куда угодно. И этот фон повсеместен в мире.
«Соблазненный всемогуществом человек перестаёт быть человеком»
Григорий Борисович Гутнер
доктор философских наук
Эксперимент. Повороты его заставляют порой вздрогнуть
Френсис Бэкон: Эксперимент — это вопросы которые мы задаём природе.
Но надо поставить её в особые условия, совершив насилие. То, что в пыточной камере.
Выстроенное действие того, что в принципе быть не может в естественных условиях.
В истории эксперимент над природой переходит в эксперимент над обществом.
Конструирование идеального общество присутствует у любого французского просветителя, даже без насилия. Но в контексте опыта, который мы имеем за нашу историю все это пугает.
Эксперимент — это вопросы которые мы задаём природе.
Но надо поставить её в особые условия, совершив насилие. То, что в пыточной камере.
Григорий Борисович Гутнер
доктор философских наук
To differentiate that role from that of "key" modeling when a modeling source moves behind the object it is typically called a "rim" or "accent" light. In portrait lighting it also called a "hair" light because it is used to create the appearance of physical separation between the subject's head and background.
There are two significant differences between natural lighting and artificial sources. One is the character of the fill and the other is more rapid fall-off in intensity. In nature skylight fill is omni-directional and usually brighter from above. That "wrap around" characteristic is difficult to duplicate with a directional artificial source.
Массовый человек - неспособность нежелание признавать границы, он верит, что ему можно все и требует делать то, что ему хочется. Не видит в себе границ.
A typical studio lighting configuration will consist of a fill source to control shadow tone, a single frontal key light to create the highlight modeling clues on the front of object facing the camera over the shadows the fill illuminates, one or more rim/accent lights to create separation between foreground and background, and one or more background lights to control the tone of the background and separation between it and the foreground.
A typical studio lighting configuration will consist of a fill source to control shadow tone, a single frontal key light to create the highlight modeling clues on the front of object facing the camera over the shadows the fill illuminates, one or more rim/accent lights to create separation between foreground and background, and one or more background lights to control the tone of the background and separation between it and the foreground.
A typical studio lighting configuration will consist of a fill source to control shadow tone, a single frontal key light to create the highlight modeling clues on the front of object facing the camera over the shadows the fill illuminates, one or more rim/accent lights to create separation between foreground and background, and one or more background lights to control the tone of the background and separation between it and the foreground.
A typical studio lighting configuration will consist of a fill source to control shadow tone, a single frontal key light to create the highlight modeling clues on the front of object facing the camera over the shadows the fill illuminates, one or more rim/accent lights to create separation between foreground and background, and one or more background lights to control the tone of the background and separation between it and the foreground.
When a viewer has an opinion about an image based on their personal thoughts. Personal response depends on the viewer’s thoughts and values individually. This might be sometimes in conflict with cultural values.
Lago di Braies
The lake lies at the foot of the rock wall of the Croda del Becco (ted. Seekofel , lad. Sass dla Porta 2,810 m) and is located within the natural park Fanes - Senes and Braies.
Stanley Park, Vancouver
It is a 405-hectare public park that borders the downtown of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada and is almost entirely surrounded by waters of Vancouver Harbour and English Bay.
Sahalie Falls, US
After the South Fork confluence, the main stem of the McKenzie River continues west through a narrow valley in the mountains, receiving the Blue River from the north at the community of Blue River.
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